Data Handbook Soft Ferrites and Accessories

This 1107-page Handbook gives detailed technical data sheets and additional information about our complete range of Soft Ferrite Cores & Accessories, EMI-suppression products en Ferroxtag transponder tags.

New materials : alloys Sendust, MPP & High Flux and ferrites 3C95, 4A20 & 4S3.

New products : E100/60/28, EQ38/8/25 + PLT38/25/2.7, planars ER41/7.6/32, ER51/10/38 & ER64/13/51, IIC2P, PM74/59, U46/40/28, U80/65/32, U126/91/20, Ferroxtag RFID transponders, RFID transponder cores, Ferroxfoil EMI absorber sheet, TN10/6/4 gapped, TX40/24/16, TX40/24/20, T152/104/19 and alloy powder toroids.

Date of release: 11/08
12nc : 9398 188 02311

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Warning : large file

Separate data sheets are also available on the product page under
Data sheets (if physical product is known)
Type descriptions (if only type acronym is known)

For a paper copy of this publication please contact the nearest Ferroxcube sales office or one of our franchised distributors.
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