Distributors Europe

Arrow Central Europe GmbH
Tel: +43 1 360 46-0
Fax: +43 1 369 2273
Website: www.arroweurope.com

Acal BFI Germany GmbH
Tel: +49 (0)8142 / 6520 0
Fax: +49 6074 4098 110
Mail: sales-de@acalbfi.de
Website: www.acalbfi.com/de/ferroxcube

Industrievertretungen Wolfgang Bieber GmbH
Tel: +49 8258-9973880
Fax: +49 8258-9973889
Website: www.ferrite.de

Megatron AG
Tel: +41 55 617 00 88
Fax: +41 55 617 00 89
Website: www.megatron.ch

Arrow Central Europe GmbH
Tel: +38 044 456 4726
Fax: +38 044 456 4726
Website: www.arroweurope.com
Mail: salesoffice.minsk@arroweurope.com

ACAL BFI Belgium
Lozenberg 4, B-1932 Zaventem Belgium
Contact: Jacques de Meulemeester
Tel: +32 27 205 983
Fax: +31 2725 1014
Mail: sales-be@acalbfi.be
Website: www.acalbfi.be/ferroxcube

Megatron AG
Tel: +41 55 617 00 88
Fax: +41 55 617 00 89
Website: www.megatron.ch

SIRI Elettronica S.p.a.
Tel: +39 049 8840 161
Fax: +39 049 8842 635
Website: www.siri-el.com
Local agent
Mariano Vlacic Tel: +385 52 855363
Mail: mariano.vlacic@pu.t-com.hr

Microdis Electronics EOOD
Profesor Georgi Zlatarski street 13
1700 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 2 4211124
Fax: +359 2 4211123
Mail: microdis.bg@microdis.net

blvd. Tzarigradsko shosse 7-th km.
BIC IZOT Co. block 3, office 309. Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 88 8847281
Fax: +359 2 8775015
Mail: info@kms-bg.com

SIRI Elettronica S.p.a.
Tel: +39 049 8840 161
Fax: +39 049 8842 635
Website: www.siri-el.com
Local agent
Mariano Vlacic Tel: +385 52 855363
Mail: mariano.vlacic@pu.t-com.hr

Czech Republic
Almeto s.r.o.
Tel: +420 567 212 574
Mobile: +420 606 313 209
Fax: +420 567 212 639
Mail: almeto@almeto.cz
Website: www.almeto.cz

AQ Electronic, spol. s r.o.
Tel: +420 543 255881
Fax: +420 543 255882
Mail: info@aq-electronic.com
Website: www.aq-electronic.com

Arrow Central Europe GmbH
Tel: +420 222 755426
Fax: +420 239 017522
Website: www.arroweurope.com
Mail: salesoffice.prague@arroweurope.com

Microdis Electronics
Tel: +420 323 661780
Fax: +420 323 661838
Website: www.microdis.net

Avnet-Abacus [Them]
Tel: +45 86 84 84 84
Fax: +45 86 84 82 44
Website: www.avnet-abacus.eu
Mail: them@avnet-abacus.eu

Avnet-Abacus [Brondby]
Tel: +45 86 84 84 84
Fax: +45 43 29 37 00
Website: www.avnet-abacus.eu
Mail: brondby@avnet-abacus.eu

Avnet-Abacus [Herlev]
Tel: +45 43 22 80 40
Fax: +45 43 22 80 41
Website: www.avnet-abacus.eu
Mail: herlev@avnet-abacus.eu

Arrow Nordic Denmark
Tel: +45 7010 2211
Fax: +45 4480 8210
Website: www.arroweurope.com

Acal BFi Nordic AB (Denmark)
Tel: +45 70 26 22 25
Website: www.acalbfi.se/ferroxcube
Mail: info@acalbfi.dk

Arrow Nordic
Tel: +372 6 774 250
Fax: +372 6 774 251
Website: www.arroweurope.com

Elgerta Electronics
Tel: +372 6 228866 / 228867
Fax: +372 6 228860
Mail: estonia@elgertagroup.com
Website: www.elgertagroup.com

Microdis Electronics (Lithuania)
Tel: +370 5 2104186
Fax: +370 5 2784682
Website: www.microdis.net

Acal BFi Nordic AB
Tel: +46 18 565832
Website: www.acalbfi.se
Mail: rolf.lindgren@acalbfi.se

Tel: +358 (0) 207 499 220
Fax: +358 (0) 207 499 240
Website: www.avnet-abacus.eu
Mail: espoo@avnet-abacus.eu

Arrow Nordic Finland
Tel: +358 9 476 660
Fax: +358 9 476 66319
Website: www.arroweurope.com

Acal BFi Nordic AB (Finland)
Tel: +358 207 969 770
Website: www.acalbfi.se/ferroxcube
Mail: info@acalbfi.fi

Arrow Electronique
Tel: +33 1 49 78 49 00
Fax: +33 1 49 80 83 92
Website: www.arroweurope.com

Megatron AG
Tel: +41 55 617 00 88
Fax: +41 55 617 00 89
Website: www.megatron.ch

Acal BFI France SAS
Tel: +33 1 60 79 59 00
Fax: +33 1 60 79 89 03
Mail: sales-fr@acalbfi.fr
Website: www.acalbfi.com/fr/ferroxcube

Tel: +33 3 22 87 66 00
Fax: +33 3 22 87 00 62
Website: www.isolectra-martin.com

Arrow Central Europe GmbH
Tel: +49 6103 304 0
Fax: +49 61 03 304 344
Website: www.arroweurope.com

Acal BFI Germany GmbH
Tel: +49 6074 4098 0
Fax: +49 6074 4098 110
Mail: sales-de@acalbfi.de
Website: www.acalbfi.de

Industrievertretungen Wolfgang Bieber GmbH
Tel: +49 8134 99051
Fax: +49 8134 99052
Website: www.ferrite.de

Arrow Electronics Hellas
Tel: +30 19020165
Fax: +30 19022118
Website: www.arroweurope.com

Arrow Central Europe GmbH
Tel: +36 1 288 7300
Fax: +36 1 288 7301
Website: www.arroweurope.com
Mail: salesoffice.budapest@arroweurope.com

Microdis Electronics
Tel: +36 1 236 0353
Fax: +36 1 236 0355
Website: www.microdis.net

Arrow\Rapac Ltd.
Tel: +972 3 9203480
Fax: +972 3 9203443
Website: www.arroweurope.com

Acal-BFI UK Ltd.
Tel: +44 1908 326358
Fax: +44 1908 221110
Website: www.bfioptilas.co.uk
Mail: gary.booth@acalbfi.co.uk

Tel: +39 02 76110058
Fax: +39 02 7610916
Website: www.adveco.it

Acal BFI Italy SRL
Tel: +39 02 53 58 31
Fax: +39 02 53583201/202
Mail: sales-it@acalbfi.it
Website: www.acalbfi.com/it/ferroxcube

Hantelec Electronic Components S.r.l.
Tel: +39 02 66223000
Fax: +39 02 66222872
Website: www.hantelec.it

Arrow Electronics
Tel: +39 02 661251
Website: www.arroweurope.com
Mail: arrowinfo@arroweurope.com

SIRI Elettronica S.p.a.
Tel: +39 049 8840161
Fax: +39 049 8842635
Website: www.siri-el.com

Arrow Central Europe GmbH
Tel: +7 495 626 5597
Fax: +7 495 626 5598
Website: www.arroweurope.com
Mail: salesoffice.moscow@arroweurope.com

Arrow Nordic
Tel: +371 731 1490
Fax: +371 731 3195
Website: www.arroweurope.com

Caro Electronics (Elgerta Group)
Tel: +371 7501005
Fax: +371 7501004
Mail: latvia@elgertagroup.com
Website: www.elgertagroup.com

Microdis Electronics (Lithuania)
Tel: +370 5 2104186
Fax: +370 5 2784682
Website: www.microdis.net

Acal BFi Nordic AB
Tel: +46 18 565832
Website: www.acalbfi.se
Mail: rolf.lindgren@acalbfi.se

Arrow Nordic
Tel: +370 37 759015
Fax: +370 37 452801
Website: www.arroweurope.com

Tel: +370 5 2652683, 2652689
Fax: +370 5 2650828
Mail: lithuania@elgertagroup.com
Website: www.elgertagroup.com

Microdis Electronics
Tel: +370 5 210 4186
Fax: +370 5 278 4682
Website: www.microdis.net

Acal BFi Nordic AB
Tel: +46 18 565832
Website: www.acalbfi.se
Mail: rolf.lindgren@acalbfi.se

Arrow Central Europe GmbH
Lozenberg 4, B-1932 Zaventem Belgium
Contact: Jacques de Meulemeester
Tel: +32 27 205 983
Fax: +31 2725 1014
Website: www.acaltechnology.com

Megatron AG
Tel: +41 55 617 00 88
Fax: +41 55 617 00 89
Website: www.megatron.ch

Arrow Central Europe GmbH
Tel: +7 495 626 5597
Fax: +7 495 626 5598
Website: www.arroweurope.com
Mail: salesoffice.moscow@arroweurope.com

ACAL BFi Nederland B.V.
Luchthavenweg 53
NL-5657 EA Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Contact: Piet van der Kuijl
Tel: +31 040 2507400
Fax: +31 040 2507409
Mail: sales-nl@acalbfi.nl
Website: www.acalbfi.com/nl/ferroxcube

Megatron AG
Tel: +41 55 617 00 88
Fax: +41 55 617 00 89
Website: www.megatron.ch

Tel: +47 67 97 87 20
Fax: +47 67 97 87 21
Website: www.avnet-abacus.eu
Mail: oslo@avnet-abacus.eu

Arrow Nordic - Norway
Tel: +47 52 76 30 00
Fax: +47 52 76 53 39
Website: arroweurope.com

Acal BFi Nordic AB (Norway)
Tel: +47 32 16 2060
Website: www.acalbfi.se/ferroxcube
Mail: info@acalbfi.no

Arrow Central Europe GmbH
Tel: +48 22 5588282
Fax: +48 22 5588283
Website: www.arroweurope.com
Mail: salesoffice.warsaw@arroweurope.com

Contrans TI Sp. zo.o.
Tel: +48 71 325 2621
Fax: +48 71 325 4439
Mail: k.nocon@contrans.pl
Website: www.contrans.com.pl

Tel: +48 22 847 5931
Fax: +48 22 847 5931
Website: www.geomet.waw.pl
Mail: geomet@geomet.waw.pl

Microdis Electronics
Tel: +48 71 301 0400
Fax: +48 71 301 0404
Mail: Maciej.Dziuban@microdis.net
Website: www.microdis.net

RC Microelectrónica (Spain)
Tel: +34 93 260 2166
Fax: +34 93 338 3602
Website: www.rcmicro.es

Microdis Electronics
Tel: +40 256 292774
Fax: +40 256 292774
Website: www.microdis.net

Tel: +40 21 252 21 03
Mobile: +40 744 525 616
Fax: +40 21 252 20 53
Mail: virgil@afero.ro

Arrow Central Europe GmbH, Moscow
Tel: +7 495 626 5597
Fax: +7 495 626 5598
Website: www.arroweurope.com
Mail: salesoffice.moscow@arroweurope.com

Arrow Central Europe GmbH, Ekaterinburg
Tel: +7 495 626 5597
Fax: +7 495 626 5598
Website: www.arroweurope.com
Mail: salesoffice.moscow@arroweurope.com

Arrow Central Europe GmbH, Saint Petersburg
Tel: +7 812 334 3101
Fax: +7 812 334 3102
Website: www.arroweurope.com
Mail: salesoffice.saint-petersburg@arroweurope.com

Dial Electrolux, Moscow
Tel/fax: +7 495 995 2020
Tel: +7 495 739 5533
Website: www.dialelectrolux.ru

PT Electronics
71, Engelsa pr.
194214 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Tel: 7-812-324 6350
Fax: 7-812-324 6611
Mail: office@ptelectronics.ru

PT Electronics - Moscow
Suschevskii Val, 9/1, office 701
127018 Moscow, Russian Federation
Tel: 7-495- 517-92-56
Mail: moscow@ptelectronics.ru

PT Electronics - Nizhny Novgorod
Marshal Golovanov st., 23, office 213
603107 Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
Tel: 7-831-275-8997
Fax: 7-831-275-8998
Mail: nnov@ptelectronics.ru

PT Electronics - Cheboksary
Fedora Gladkova st., 8, office 308
Cheboksary, Russian Federation
Tel: 7-8352-55-4034
Mail: cheboksary@ptelectronics.ru

PT Electronics - Izhevsk
Severniy side st., 61V, office 5
426011 Izhevsk, Russian Federation
Tel: 7-3412-93-0162, 7-3412-93-0163, 7-3412-93-0164
Fax: 7-3412-93-0145
Mail: izhevsk@ptelectronics.ru

PT Electronics - Ekaterinburg
Kominterna st., 16, office 203
620078 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Tel: 7-343-310-0327
Fax: 7-343-310-0328
Mail: ekb@ptelectronics.ru

PT Electronics - Novosibirsk
Shamshin’s family st., 99
630005 Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Tel: 7-383-211-0202
Fax: 7-383-211-0202
Mail: nsk@ptelectronics.ru

PT Electronics - Southern Federal District
Kotlostroitel’naya st, 37-B, 24 office
347910 Taganrog, Russian Federation
Tel: 7-8634-340-890
Fax: 7-8634-314-792
Mail: ufo@ptelectronics.ru

PT Electronics - Perm
Lesozavodskay st., 13
614068 Perm, Russian Federation
Tel: 7-342-259-52-28, 7-342-259-52-31
Mail: perm@ptelectronics.ru

North West Laboratory
Tel/fax: +7 812 740 5305
Tel: +7 812 369 1154
Website: http://ferrite.ru
Mail: ferroxcube@ferrite.ru

Serbia and Montenegro
Microdis Electronics
Tel: +381 11 277 6029
Fax: +381 11 277 6029
Website: www.microdis.net

SIRI Elettronica S.p.a.
Tel: +39 049 8840 161
Fax: +39 049 8842 635
Website: www.siri-el.com
Local agent
Mariano Vlacic Tel: +385 52 855363
Mail: mariano.vlacic@pu.t-com.hr

Slovak Republic
Arrow Central Europe GmbH
Tel: +48 421 232604300
Fax: +48 421 232604311
Website: www.arroweurope.com
Mail: salesoffice.bratislava@arroweurope.com

Microdis Electronics
Tel: +421 48 415 2451
Fax: +421 48 415 2451
Website: www.microdis.net

SIRI Elettronica S.p.a.
Tel: +39 049 8840 161
Fax: +39 049 8842 635
Website: www.siri-el.com
Local agent
Mariano Vlacic Tel: +385 52 855363
Mail: mariano.vlacic@pu.t-com.hr

Acal BFi Iberia SL
Tel: +34 91 453 1160
Fax: +34 91 662 6837
Mail: sales-es@acalbfi.es
Website: www.acalbfi.es/ferroxcube

RC Microelectrónica
Tel: +34 93 260 2166
Fax: +34 93 338 3602
Website: www.rcmicro.es


Acal BFi Nordic AB (Sweden)
Tel: +46 18 56 58 30
Mail: info@acalbfi.se
Website: www.acalbfi.se/ferroxcube

Avnet-Abacus [Stockholm]
Tel: +46 (0) 8 505 262 00
Fax: +46 (0) 8 505 262 01
Website: www.avnet-abacus.eu
Mail: stockholm@avnet-abacus.eu

Arrow Nordic - Sweden
Tel: +46 8 56 26 57 00
Fax: +46 8 56 26 57 70
Website: www.arroweurope.com

Arrow Central Europe GmbH
Tel: +41 1 874 6262
Fax: +41 1 874 6200
Website: www.arroweurope.com

Acal BFI Germany GmbH
Tel: +49 6074 4098 0
Fax: +49 6074 4098 110
Mail: sales-de@acalbfi.de
Website: www.acalbfi.de

Industrievertretungen Wolfgang Bieber GmbH
Tel: +49 8134 99051
Fax: +49 8134 99052
Website: www.ferrite.de

Megatron AG
Tel: +41 55 617 00 88
Fax: +41 55 617 00 89
Website: www.megatron.ch

Arrow Elektronik Ticaret A.S.
Tel: +90 216 680 4610 (PBX)
Fax: +90 216 680 4611
Website: www.arroweurope.com

Signal Elektronik San. ve Dis Tic. Ltd. Sti.
Tel: +90 212 293 51 00
Fax: +90 212 293 51 02
Website: www.signal.com.tr
Mail: info@signal.com.tr

Arrow Central Europe GmbH
Tel: +38 044 456 4726
Fax: +38 044 456 4726
Website: www.arroweurope.com
Mail: salesoffice.kiev@arroweurope.com

Tel: +380 44 495 75 75
Fax: +380 44 495 75 72
Website: www.filur.net

Microdis Electronics (Germany)
Tel: +49 6232 6981-0
Fax: +49 6232 698127
Website: www.microdis.net

United Kingdom
Acal-BFI UK Ltd.
Tel: +44 118 978 8878
Fax: +44 1908 221110
Mail: sales-uk@acalbfi.co.uk
Website: www.acalbfi.co.uk/ferroxcube

Avnet-Abacus [Maidenhead]
Tel: +44 (0)1628 512900
Fax: +44 (0)1628 512999
Website: www.avnet.eu
Mail: maidenhead@avnet.eu

Tel: +44 1234 270027
Fax: +44 1234 214674
Website: www.arroweurope.com

Arrow Catalogue
Tel: +44 127 962 6777
Fax: +44 127 944 1687
Website: www.arroweurope.com

Tel: +44 113 263 6311
Fax: +44 113 263 3411
Website: www.farnell.co.uk