Click on a publication for a short description
Before summer 2000, Ferroxcube was part of Philips Components
Please read Ferroxcube instead of Philips in older brochures
Ferroxcube 3P1, a new generation of SiFe cores
Electric and hybrid car designs with Ferroxcube
Ferroxcube ferrites in renewable energies: Solar inverters
3C97 Ferroxcube's new all temperature power ferrite
Gapped ferrite toroids for power inductors (updated)
SMD beads and chokes
New metal alloy powder grades in toroids
Class D audio amplifier with Ferroxcube gapped toroid output filter
3C95 - Ferroxcube's all temperature power ferrite
Large impeder cores for inductive pipe welding
Gapped SMD beads for power inductors
Design of CCFL backlight inverters with frame & bar cores
Power ferrite measuring setup EMMA 2.1
New ER cores for planar converters
Mini drum cores for power inductors
14 Watt DC/DC converter using IICs
3C92 & 3C93 - The high saturation & high temperature low loss power ferrites
Gluing of ferrite cores (new release!)
Ferrite for Science and Industry.
Bobbins & Accessories.
Introducing the new power ferrite 3C94
SMD Coil Formers and Cores
Philips' Integrated Inductive Components are ready to come on board
IIC Integrated Inductive Components.
Design of Planar Power Transformers.
25 Watt DC/DC Converter using Planar technology.
Square Loop Ferrite Toroids for Magnetic Amplifiers